Published Articles in Refereed
- (34) Economic Consequences of Vertical Mismatch, (2024), with Pedro Gomes and Thethpida Sopraseuth, Quantitative Economics, forthcoming
- (33) Temporary Employment in Market With Frictions, (2024) Journal of Economic Literature, 62(3), 1143-1185
- (32) Static and Dynamic Externality in an Optimizing Model of Epidemics, (2024), with Christopher A. Pissarides and Espen Moen, Economic Theory, 77(1), 9-4
- (31) The SAM Approach to Epidemic Model, (2023) with Christopher A. Pissarides and Espen Moen, Polachek and Tatsiramos, K. (Ed.) 50th Cenlebratory Volume (Research in Labor Economics), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp-1-23
- (30) In medio
stat victus Labor Demand Effects of an Increase in the
Reterement Age, with Tito Boeri and Espen Moen,
accepted, Journal of Population Economics
- (29) Public Employment Redux, (2021), with Pedro Gomes and Thethpida Sopreseuth, Journal of Government and Economics, Vol. 1, Spring 2021, 100003
- (28) Modeling
Contacts and Transitions in the SIR Epidemic Model
(2020), with Christopher Pissarides and Espen Moen, Pre
Published in Cepr Covid Economics, Vetted and Real
Time Papers, Issue 5, page 1-21
- (27) A
Tale of Comprehensive Labor Market Reforms: Evidence
From the Italian Jobs Act, (2019), Labour
Economics, Volume 59, August 2019, page 33-48
- (26) Financial Constraints in Search Equilibrium: Mortensen and Pissarides Meet Holmostrom and Tirole, (2018), Labour Economics, Volume 50, March, 144-155, with Tito Boeri and Espen R. Moen
- (25) Inside Severance Payments (2017) Journal of Public Economics, Volume 145, January, Pages 211-225, with Tito Boeri and Espen R. Moen
- (24) Competitive On the Job Search, (2016), Review of Economic Dynamics, with Espen R. Moen and Dag Einar Sommervoll, Volume 19, January 2017, Pages 88-107
- (23) Labor and Finance: Facts and Theories, (2013), IMF Economic Review, Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 631-663, with Tito Boeri and Espen Moen
- (22) "Workers and Firms Sorting into Temporary Jobs", (2012) Economic Journal, Volume 122, pp. 562-582, with Fabio Berton.
- (21) College Cost and Time to Complete a Degree: Evidence from Tuition Discontinuities"(2012)Review of Economics and Statistics, with Andrea Ichino, Francesco Giavazzi and Enrico Rettore, Vol. 94, No. 3, 699-711.
- (20) "Behind the Lighthouse Effect"(2011) Review of Income and Wealth, with Tito Boeri, Vol. 57, pp. S54-S78, 2011.
- (19) "Job to Job Movements in a Simple Search Model", (2010) American Economic Review, May, Vol. 100, No. 2: Pages 343-374.
- (18) "Beyond Eurosclerosis" Economic Policy Vol. 25 Issue 52 (2009), 409-461 with Tito Boeri.
- (17) "Do Larger Severance Payments Increase Individual Job Duration?", (2008), Labour Economics, , Volume 50, Issue 2, 215-245, with Lia Pacelli.
- (16) "Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection Legislation. A Honeymoon Effect?" Economic Journal(June 2007): F357-F385, with Tito Boeri.
- (15) "Are Labour Markets in New Member States Sufficiently Flexible for EMU?" (2006), Journal of Banking and Finance 30: 1393-1407, with Tito Boeri.
- (14) "The Employment Effects of Severance Payments With Wage Rigidities." Economic Journal 115 (2005): 799-832, with Gianluca Violante.
- (13) "Gross Credit Flows." Review of Economic Studies 72, no. 3 (2005): 665-685, with Giovanni Dell’Ariccia.
- (12) "Equilibrium Search Unemployment, Endogenous Participation and Labor Market Flows." Journal of the European Economic Association 3, no. 4 (2005): 851-882, with Etienne Wasmer.
- (11) "Shadow Sorting." in NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics Series, edited by J.Frenkel and C. Pissarides. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press (2005), with Tito Boeri.
- (10) "Raising Female Employment: Reflections and Policy Tools." Journal of the European Economic Association 2, no. 2 (2004): 320-330, with Etienne Wasmer.
- (9) "Search Unemployment With Advance Notice." Macroeconomic Dynamics 8, no. 1 (2004): 51-75.
- (8) "Employment Protection Legislation and the Size of Firms." Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia (2004), with Lia Pacelli and Andrea Borgarello.
- (7) "Anatomy of Employment Growth." Economic Policy 34 (2002), with Paolo Mauro.
- (6) "What Moves Capital to Transition Economy?" IMF Staff Papers (2002), vol. 48, pp. 109-145, with Nada Mora, Ratna Sahay and Jeromin Zettlemeyer.
- (5) "Wages and the Size of Firms in Dynamic Matching Models." Review of Economic Dynamics 4 (2001): 335-368, with Giuseppe Bertola.
- (4) "Job Flows and Cross-Sectional Firm Dynamics: Traditional Measures and Alternative Econometric Techniques." Labour Economics (2000).
- (3) "Job Flow Dynamics and Firing Restrictions." European Economic Review 42, no. 2 (1998): 245-75.
- (2) "Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment Dynamics in Transition Economies." IMF Staff Papers (1998), vol. 45, pp. 269-308, with Zuzana Brixiova.
- (1) "The Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on Job Creation and Destruction." IMF Staff Papers (1997), vol. 44, pp. 557-87.