Teaching (Didattica)

Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice

Monetary Economics

Household Finance

Introduction to Household Finance

MAFiRM 2018-19

Course objectives: familiarizing with some concepts, facts and tools relating to the finance for common people.

Topics: Life cycle finance, target date funds and default rules.

Software: none.

Prerequisites: Asset Pricing.

Exam Type: written Q&A.



Campbell JY. Household Finance, Presidential Address to the American Finance Association. Journal of Finance. 2006;LXI (4) :1553-1604.


Ameriks, John, and Stephen Zeldes. 2004. “How Do Household Portfolio Shares Vary with Age?” Columbia University, Working Paper.

Badarinza C, Campbell JY, Ramadorai T. International Comparative Household Finance. Annual Review of Economics [Internet]. 2016;8

Guiso L, Haliassos M, Jappelli T. 2002. Household Portfolios. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press


Campbell JY, Shiller RJ, Viciera LM. Understanding Inflation-Indexed Bond Markets. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 2009 :79-120.

Vanguard Approach to TDF, 2006

Viceira, L. "Life-Cycle Funds," 2008, in Overcoming the Saving Slump: How to Increase the Effectiveness of Financial Education and Saving Programs, Annamaria Lusardi, ed., University of Chicago Press.


Household Finance. An Emerging Field”, (2012) Luigi Guiso and Paolo Sodini, in Handbook of the Economics of Finance, G. Costantinides, M. Harris and R. Stulz (eds), North Holland.