School of Economics - Full Professor
International Seminars and Conferences
Key-note speeches
Key note speech at the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) 2017 Conference "Responding to many challenges: the future of social security", Sigtuna, Sweden, 5 June 2017
Lecture at the Observatoire de l'Épargne Européenne, Paris, 20 June 2017
NZ-OECD High-level Global Symposium on Financial Education "Today vs Tomorrow?" Auckland, October 2016
Cherry Blossom Financial Education Institute, organized by the GFLEC, Washington, DC, April 2016
"Guy Orcutt" Lecture at the 5th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association, Luxembourg, September 2015
Keynote speech at the Canadian Public Sector Pensions and Benefits Conference, organized by The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Winnipeg, Canada, 5 May 2015
Keynote address at the conference "Balancing flexibility with fairness in the labor market. Can Poland learn from international experience?" organized by the World Bank and the Polish Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Warsaw, 28-29 May 2014
Key Note Lecture "Labor Market Reforms: Reflections on the Italian case", EALE Conference 2013, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, 20 September, 2013
Key Note Speech: "Translating research into policies" at the Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy jointly organized by "OECD/INFE/GFLEC", Paris, 31 October, 2013
"Pension Reforms in theory and in practice", 11Th Workshop on Pensions, Insurance and Savings, Dauphine University, Paris and CEPS/Instead-EIB, Luxemburg, June 2013
"Reforming the labor market: reflections of an economist who (unexpectedly) became a Minister", "8th Employment and Development Conference", World Bank & IZA, Bonn, August 2013
Conferences and Seminars
IPE Pensions, Risk and Asset Allocation conference, London Stock Exchange, 22-23 June 2017
7th European Financial Congress, Gdansk, 7 June 2017
Conference "Le Régime universel de retraite: La réforme que la France attend?", organized by the Confédération française des retraites, Paris, December 2016
Lecture at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Canberra, October 2016
Seminar at CEPAR, University of New South Wales, Sydney, October 2016
Lecture at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, October 2016
Pensions & Investments Conference "The Global Future of Retirement. Improving Retirement Outcomes through Innovation", Washington DC, June 2016
Asian Leadership Conference 2016, Seoul, May 2016
Conference "Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF) 2016, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, April 2016
Conference on Financial Literacy, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2016
Launch Event – The Future of the UK Welfare State, organized by the International Longevity Centre – UK, House of Lords, London, June 2016
Seminar at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Williamsburg, US, November 11, 2015
Seminar "Political Economy lessons from the Italian Pension Reform", The New School Retirement Equity Lab, New York, September 25, 2015
Conference "40 years of public science and public policy" organized by MEA - Max Plankt institute, June 2015 (speaker)
Canadian Pensions & Benifits Institute Forum "Defining our Future", New York, May 2015 (speaker)
Allianz Public dialogue "Social and Demographic Change in the 21st Century", Berlin, February 2015 (speaker)
Seminar: ‘Restarting Economic Growth: Prospects and Dilemmas of the Italian Economy at the Beginning of a new "European Semester"’ organised by the European Commission, Representation in Italy, and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Research, European University Institute, Fiesole, January 2015 (speaker)
Netspar International Pension Workshop, Amsterdam, January 2015(discussant)
ADBI-Japan-OECD High-level Global Symposium "Promoting Better Lifetime Planning through Financial Education", Tokio, January 2015 (moderator)
Forum "Old-age Human rights: Opportunities and ways to protect and to promote the rights of the elderly", at the World Human Rights Forum, Marrakech, November 2014 (speaker)
Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy Annual conference "Europeanisation of Social Law and Social Policy", Munich, November 2014 (speaker) Download Presentation
2nd Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy, organized by OECD and GFLEC, Paris, November 2014 (moderator)
Seminar on ageing and labour markets, Institute for Structural Research, Warsaw, September 2014
Speaker at the 2014 International Institute of Public Finance meeting, IIPF, Lugano, 23August 2014
Speaker at the 40th Anniversary Symposium of the European Centre The Future of Welfare in a Global Europe, Vienna, 15 September 2014
Discussant at the KU Leuven Euroforum conference Which Social Dimension for the European Union? Normative, Political, Legal and Economic Perspectives, KU Leuven, 16 September 2014
Seminar at the Dutch Central Bank, 1 July 2014 (during a one-week visit at the Bank)
Conference "The Economics of Long Term Care" at the TIGER FORUM 2014, organized by Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, 2-4 June 2014 (speaker). The video: ROARING Debate "Welfare State Crisis in the Western world"
Participation as speaker in the 25th Annual General Assembly and Conference of the European Foundation Center "Rethinking Europe: Solidarity, Civil Society and Political Governance", Sarajevo, 16 May 2014
Participation in the Round Table "Labor Market Challenges and Opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", organized by the World Bank, Sarajevo, 15 May 2014
Participation in the Think Tank "Creare Lavoro", organized by ODM Consulting, Milan, 12 May 2014
Seminar "Shrinking, Stagnating or Recovering? What Future for Italy?" at the Italian Society of the London School of Economics, London 07 May 2014
Seminar at the Institute of Fiscal Studies, London, 06 May 2014
Discussion Leader at the Conference: "Does Europe Matter? Ideas Lab", organized by CEPS, Brussels, 3/4 April 2014
Conference "Financial and economic education for better and more successful reforms", 10th March 2014, Ramón Areces Foundation, Madrid
Participation as a discussant to the presentation of the World Bank report, The Inverting Pyramid, February 21st, New York (videoconference)
Seminar: "Translating Research into Policies: The Case of the Italian Pension Reform", Monday, February 10, 2014, World Bank, Washington DC
Jobs and Growth Seminar: The Italian Pension and Labor Market Reforms: An Economist-Turned-Policy Maker's View, Washington D.C., 13 February 2014
Translating Research into Policies: The Case of the Italian Pension Reform, World Bank, Washington D.C., 10 February 2014
Presentation on "Reforming Pension Systems: Major Challenges" at the "World Pension Summit", Amsterdam, 13 November, 2013
Seminar on the Italian Labor Market Reform at the "Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency", Nuremberg, 15 October, 2013
Presentation on "Labor Market Reforms: Reflections on the Italian Case" at the IZA Workshop "Labor Market Reforms during the Great Recession: Challenges and Opportunities", Bruxelles, 10 October, 2013
Lecture on "Pension reforms: Achievements and Challenges" within the Course Pension sustainability and reforms, ILO, Turin, 4 October, 2013
Lecture on "Reforming European Labor Markets: achievements and challenges", at the Erste Foundation Summer School for Social Research, ILO, Turin, 23 September, 2013
"Labor Market Reforms: Reflections on the Italian case", Conferenza EALE 2013, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino, September 20, 2013.
"Pension and Labor Market Reforms in Italy" MEA-Max Planck Institut, Munich, May.
"Reforming the labor market in a recession: are there lessons from the recent Italian experience?" Dauphine University, Paris, June 2013.
"Pension Systems and Migration", MPC Annual Conference, European University Institute, Florence, June 2013.
"Reforming European Labor Markets: achievements and challenges", Summer School of ERSTE Foundation Fellowship for Social Research at ILO, Turin, September 2013.
"Labor Market Reforms: Reflections on the Italian case", EALE Conference; Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, September 2013.
"Pension Reforms in Europe: achievements and challenges", Autumn Conference, Kepler Cheuvreux, Paris, September 2013.
"Labor Market Reforms: Reflections on the Italian Case" IZa Workshop "Labor Market Reforms during the Great Recession: Challenges and Opportunities" Bruxelles, Oct. 10. Seminar on the Italian Labor Market Reform at the Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency, Nuremberg, October 2013
Panel discussions
Convention "Europe as a Challenge: Scientific and Practical Perspectives on Labor, Migration and Old-age Provision", Berlin, 1-2 December 2016
Roundtable Discussion of the SIM Europe Reform Barometer, Brussels, 24 March 2017
CEPS IDEAS LAB, CEPS, Brussels, 23-24 March 2017
Meeting of the New Pact for Europe, Brussels, 3 May 2017
Panel discussion "Will There Be A Generational War?", at the Rencontres Economiques d’Aix-en-Provence, 08 July 2017
Convention "Europe as a Challenge: Scientific and Practical Perspectives on Labor, Migration and Old-age Provision", Berlin, December 2016
5th Berlin Demography Forum 2016, Berlin, February 2016
Forum des Retraites, organized the Caisse de Dépôt et Gestion of Morocco and the Chaire Prévoyance & Retraites of Rabat Internationl University, Rabat, 12 February 2016
Open discussion on "Insurance Scheme: Justice and pragmatism" organized by The Network for Reform in Greece and Europe and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Athens, 18 January 2016
Bled Strategic Forum "Visions of New Partnerships", Bled, Slovenia, September 2015
"Challenges of the European Union" organized by MAGMA Foundation, Brussels, July 2015
Round table "Is there a need for a ‘new pact for Europe’?" organized by European Policy Center and King Baudouin Foundation, Brussels, June 2015 Public debate "What future for the unfunded pension schemes?" at the Workshop on "Ageing, Economic Uncertainty, Savings and Long-run Governance of Pension Schemes" Le Havre (France), 16-17 April 2015
Panel discussion "The relevance of economic-financial literacy for the effectiveness of reforms and a more accomplished democracy", Modena-Netspar Conference on Advances in Household Finance, Modena, 10 April 2015
Berlin Demographic Forum, organized by Allianz, Berlin, 19 March 2015
Round table "What’s Next for Old Europe? Ageing with Growth in Central Europe and the Baltics",organized by CEPS and the World Bank, Brussels, 10 March 2015
Polish Pension Group expert meeting, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, September 2014
Panelist in the conference Promoting gender balance in decision making – organized by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Rome, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, 9 July 2014
Panelist in the High-level expert conference organized by the European Commission Labour Economics After the Crisis: What theoretical lessons to draw from policy experience?, Bruxelles, 18 September 2014
Participation in the Young-experts panel of the 3rd Berlin Demography Forum "Security – Trust – Solidarity", Berlin, 9-10 april 2014
Participation in the panel discussion "The experience of the Fornero-Monti pension reform in Italy" at the "Symposium on the Swiss Pension System, CEPRA-Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, 3 December, 2013
Key Note lecture "Are economists well equipped to deal with ageing societies?" at the "Age in the Workplace" conference, Department of Psychology and Cognitive sciences , University of Trento, 23 November, 2013
Discussant panelist in the "labor market reforms " session at the "Second CEPR-Modena Conference on Growth in Mature Economies: Growth and Competitiveness", Modena, 7 November, 2013
"Inequality and solidarity", European Debates at the Burgtheater, Wien, April 2013
"Pension and Labour Market reforms: Contradiction or Convergence? Reflection on the recent Italian Reforms", "Worldwide Conference of IPEBLA", Rome, May 2013
"Consumer protection and adequate pension products", Netspar Policy Workshop on Pensions, Goethe University, Frankfurt, June 2013
"An evaluation of recent pension and labour market reforms", Annual Conference of Italian Students, College of Europe, Bruges, June 2013
"Appréhender la transition démographique en Europe" and "Les sociétés européennes à l’épreuve de l’Europe", Rencontres Economiques d'Aix-en-Provence, July 2013
"Co-ordinating European Pension Policies- A Bridge so Near?", Alpbach European Forum, Alpbach, August 2013